About Us

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IGI is a pioneer in the colored gemological laboratory in the India to issue country-of-origin reports. Additionally, we were the first in Kolkata to quantify colored stone quality in a clear and comparative manner. In addition to our position of leadership in gemstone documentation, IGI has extensive experience in consumer protection programs.

The Laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation, and applies standard gemological, as well as advanced analytical, techniques to each determination it makes.  Building on our cornerstones of meticulous characterization and disclosure, IGI has a long tradition of acquiring staff who are experts in the field of gemstone testing and reporting.

Throughout their careers, IGI 's gemologists have advanced the cause of  full and accurate representation of every gemstone examined in our laboratory. This has included, but has not been limited to, complete disclosure of gemstone treatments, as well as developing clear and understandable reporting formats. On numerous occasions, IGI has pioneered gemological understanding and procedures to address challenges facing the gemstone and jewelry industry while developing methodology to put these findings into practice.

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